Because life can be better
Therapy, coaching and consulting with Jenni
Meet Jenni
Passionate about personal growth
I am a qualified therapist and coach who is passionate about helping people feel better so that they can move their lives forwards.
Everyone experiences challenges and difficulties at various times in their life and it can be comforting to know that we don’t have to get through it on our own.
Sometimes we just need someone impartial and compassionate to just listen to us confidentially and not judge us. To help us express and let go of our feelings and thoughts in a safe space.
Other times we need help to make sense of past events or to manage difficult emotions.
And then we need to move forwards… so having someone to support, challenge and motivate us can be really useful as we step out of our comfort zone or build better habits.

Working with someone who is both a therapist and a coach allows you not only to become more aware of how past or present events are affecting you, but when you are ready, I can also help you to move forwards with greater feelings of empowerment, improved self-esteem and a new-found confidence.
These lasting changes will allow you to enjoy healthier lifestyles, forge better relationships and give you the courage to embrace new opportunities.

How I can help you

Counselling is talking therapy. Evidence shows that sharing your concerns and just being listened to in a safe, confidential space, can help to relieve your symptoms. When you are ready, I am qualified to help you work through the issues in a variety of ways. Always with compassion. Always without judgement.
Coaching is about helping you to move forwards with your life, whether it be a new job, relationship, or life stage. Coaching helps you become clearer about your goals and motivates you to put into place new strategies and habits that wills serve you better.
RTT is a mix of therapy and coaching that uses hypnosis to deliver extraordinary results in a short space of time. In just a few weeks, most clients report impressive breakthroughs from issues they have struggled with for a long time.
Teens & Adolescents
13-25 is one of the most difficult periods of a person’s life. The transition from childhood to adulthood takes longer than scientists originally thought. I can help you to navigate the uncertainties of this life stage so that you become more resilient and confident about creating the future you desire.
Education Providers
Having been in teaching and school leadership for over 30 years, I am now in a unique position to help you improve your institution’s approach to staff and student wellbeing. As well as offering counselling and coaching services, I also run workshops and CPD for school staff and school leaders.
Organisations & Groups
Improve the wellbeing of your staff through counselling and coaching services. Change the way your teams operate using the MBTI framework. Maximise performance with leadership and team coaching.